Navair Technologies is a Canadian 1st tier electronics distributor and calibration lab, providing exceptional communications and test and measurement solutions to the service and maintenance entities within the Avionics,Utility, Public Safety, Infrastructure, Wireless, Government and Military markets.
Our Product Distribution Group represents the leading Test and Measurement OEM’s in the world. Employing both broad and narrowband solutions, we provide Public Safety Radio Systems (for First Responders including Fire, Police, EMS), Commercial Wireless Services (Cellular, PCS, ). Critical Uptime solutions that monitor your backup systems to prevent catastrophic failures.
Our over 50 years of calibration service is among the best in Canada, with expertise that is unmatched in our industry.
Our solutions include both coaxial and fiber optic based architectures, and our ever-evolving class of products addresses the growing demand for high performance, high bandwidth solutions for all types of in-building wireline, wireless and FO networks.